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1. Weighing and Center of Gravity

Using COG products of this group, measuring the center of mass for homogeneous mechanical components and measuring center of gravity for more complex sets, are performed accurately and through different static and dynamic techniques. The equipment of measuring center of gravity, pinpoint the weight of on experiment components.

These systems contain integrated kinds (Pack) and discrete (Loose), by the way, are designed and built widely used in various capacities based on the most applicable range of customer desired weight. The form and dimensions of the testing sets have always been regarded in design process and adapting the set structure and its fixtures with testing components is possible.

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2. Moment of Inertia

"Moment of Inertia" for rigid objects, in the original Cartesian directions (axis Y, X and Z), are respectively called Iyy, Ixx and Izz. In order to control rotational motions of a rigid object, these parameters must be measured much accurately.

Measuring Moment of inertia systems (MOI) in this group, using air bearing and steels with uniform behavior, has made the measuring of above parameters possible in integrated system up to 5000 kg. To measure very large and heavy objects Moments, there are specific techniques using the discrete equipment.

There are some fabrics.

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3. Product of Inertia (Multiplicand)

In a full controlling process that maneuvers take place in all directions, all the components of a tensor with mass properties are needed.

Thus, the product of inertia for a point of the object and specifically to its center of gravity has three other components Iyz, Ixy and Izx.

This group, experienced in design and building dynamic systems of measurement POI, is well-prepared to any service to industries and research companies for testing in restricted spaces (In-door) up to capacity of 5000 kg.

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4. Special Weighing Systems

Sometimes high-precision operations in weighing are compulsory. Also sometimes, because of the size and weight of the work piece, it is Portable Equipment should be used at the customer site. In many cases, hanging uni-axial weighing system is used for flying objects and also for combustible environments EX-holding weighing systems are suitable.

This group is capable of presenting all above-mentioned weighing systems based on the specific needs of the customer.

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5. Types of Sensors

Since there is a direct relation between accuracy of measuring and the sensors function in the mass properties devices and malfunctioning of sensors can cause large errors in measuring mass properties parameters, Therefore, we have utilized high precision and reproducibility sensors in equipping our own devices.

Of sensors used in these devices can mention the force sensor ("Loadcell"), Moment sensor ("Torquemeter"), acceleration sensor ("Accelerometer") and angle sensor ("Inclinometer").

By the way, this group is able to provide these sensors for who need to repair or replace these sensors.

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6. Accessories

Depending on type of the mass properties measuring devices, in addition to the user manual with which the device is delivered, some or all of the following accessories may be supplied with the machine as equipment or extra components when delivering.

These appliances are also provided by this group for companies who need to repair or replace such parts.



  • Air Bearing

    "Gas Bearing" or "Air Bearing" is of detailed subsystems used in dynamic measurement systems. These components contain various geometric and fluid designs and must be carefully manufactured and assembled.







  • Mechanical Means

    1. Electrical, Magnetic and Pneumatic Drives

    2. Load Cell Interfaces and Mountings





  • Electrical Devices

    1. Indicator

    2. Current Stabilizer

    3. Heavy duty and Industrial Computers

    4. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

    5. Human Machine Interface (HMI)





  • Calibration Parts

    1. Calibration Weights

    2. Reference Calibration Parts (Gages for CG, MOI and POI)





  • Metrology

    1. Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)

    2. Optical Measuring Machine (OMM)

    3. Digital Level and Plumb

    4. Digital Inclinometer

    5. Roughness Meter

    6. Dimensioning and Mark up compartments




  • General Lab Apparatus

    1. Thermometer

    2. Hygrometer


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Mass-Prop. Regulation
Gas Bearing
Particular Fixtures


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